Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lexi's PlayDough

This is the best helper any baker could ever dream of. She loves to come in and help me get all our cooking done. I am doing my best at teaching her how to cook because as a child I was always told to stay out because I was messy...think thats where the dumb ass OCD I have now comes from? Needless to say here we are making PlayDough. This is the coolest because you never have to buy it from stinky *mart once you have the recipe. Plus it is cool to make the colors you like. The Neon food coloring makes vivid colors and the paste works excellent too.

Lexi's Dough

1 cup water

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt

1 Tbsp cream of tartar

1 Tbsp oil

Food Coloring

Heat all in saucepan on low to medium stirring continuously until desired thickness. Knead to will be warm.

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